Selling a completely assembled vehicle is a complicated and expensive proposition. Sceadu Design is working
towards this goal. In the meantime, we still want to make the SD-1 available inexpensively as a kit for those who
want to do some of the work themselves.
In kit form, the Sceadu SD-1 will include the complete core vehicle and all accessories except for those listed below :
Drive (gas, diesel, electric)
Clutch (certifugal, CVT)
Rear sprocket (controls top speed)
Brakes (cable, hydraulic)
Wheels (steel, mag)
Tires (bias, radial)
Seatbelts (2 point, 3 point)
The customer will receive assembly instructions and a list of suppliers, part numbers, and costs for all additional
required components. All components will attach easily with no additional drilling, welding, etc, required. Assembly
time will be less than 10 hours. Pricing on these components will be available before a purchase decision is made.
The core vehicle will sell for approximately $2500. We will have a firm number soon. The additional components that
the customer will need to buy to finish the SD-1 will cost a minimum of $800 (more for higher performance).