Tango electric car by Commuter Cars - The Tango was designed to be fast and skinny. The
idea was to make a car that could squeeze through traffic like a motorcycle.
The pre-production prototype was developed in England under the guidance of the
owner of Commuter Cars and the company in England. The result of this effort was an
interesting vehicle (with a lot of potential) that was almost unproducable.

Commuter Cars hired Sceadu Design to go throught the entire vehicle, looking for ways to
streamline its production. We implemented many changes throughout the vehicle, but
unfortunately, we were not given the freedom required to fully fix the problems.
Responsibility for the design and safety of the Tango remains completely with the
owner of Commuter Cars.
The following pictures show the Tango after Sceadu Design's involvement.

One area that we were allowed to redesign was the interior. Putting two people in such
a small space, while maintaining a feeling of openess, was a great challange.
